My name is Mark Pratt-Russum. I live in Portland, Oregon with my family. I am the released minister (aka pastor) of West Hills Friends Church. A significant portion of my work involves thinking and writing about the world, and the way in which I am navigating it as a neurodivergent, Queer, and ever-changing person.

Do We Need to Worship Jesus?
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

Do We Need to Worship Jesus?

Perhaps all the permission we need is to remember that Jesus didn’t call us to worship him, but to follow him. And sometimes the first thing we need to do is recognize the resurrected Jesus, the resurrected Church, who now looks different walking next to us. Worship can sometimes feel like a static action, but following is unmistakably active.

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When Truth is Laid Bare, Apocalyptic Pathway to Truth Telling
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

When Truth is Laid Bare, Apocalyptic Pathway to Truth Telling

An apocalypse isn’t something to always celebrate, even if it is an effective teacher. That is because the truth has either been festering under an intentional covering or has been purposefully hidden by something. More than likely, someone is suffering because of this veil, and those of us who have been hidden from it can benefit from its continued concealment. Yes, apocalypse leads to liberation, but often liberation that is far too delayed.

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The Soft Animal and The Truth Setting Us Free
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

The Soft Animal and The Truth Setting Us Free

Speaking Truth to power, or speaking our personal truths, will almost always be met with internal and external resistance. We will need communities like ours to be nurseries for our hearts and minds. Places to tend to the Truth within us, and a place to train and sustain our efforts toward Truth-telling. Places to celebrate what the soft animals of our bodies love.

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Wild Places, and the Heart of our Sacred Moments.
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

Wild Places, and the Heart of our Sacred Moments.

Wild places are at the heart of those sacred memories that resist the erosion of time. There has to be a reason for that. It is not just that the Earth plays the role of a passive host in so many of our profound spiritual experiences, it is as real of a character in our memories as the flesh and blood people we love.

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I Feel Lost.
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

I Feel Lost.

So the question is, how do languishing and weary people find enough hope to imagine there is a future for their faith community when they are dealing with more than enough of their own personal uncertainty?

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When the Hometown Boy Returns…
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

When the Hometown Boy Returns…

I think Jesus almost getting lynched in his hometown, and all the other times’ powerful people tried to off him demonstrates that Jesus wasn’t suggesting some kind of metaphorical or spiritual liberation for the poor, he was suggesting a radical and disruptive change that made those with privilege and power so uneasy that they wanted to kill him.

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Disruptive Rest
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

Disruptive Rest

I have the demon on my shoulder, whispering suggestions of my unworthiness for my sabbatical. And even when I do resist it, it teases me with laziness and guilts me with the feeling that I’ve squandered something

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Fail. Magnificently.
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

Fail. Magnificently.

The risk of being in a human community with other people is the exact same place where we discover both the dismay of conflict and the joy of belonging, but rarely one without the other. Perhaps it is the greatest risk of our lives to enter into the experiment of human community

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After the midwives leave…
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

After the midwives leave…

The paradoxical seeing of favor in our lowliness is just a part of the continued paradoxical longing of the divine for a world with rightly ordered priorities. That God loves and chooses us in our lowliness is the antidote to our ever-present self-doubts about our worthiness for love, and our ability to love our neighbors.

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Why I Adore Paradox
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

Why I Adore Paradox

If we are able to embrace that we contain multitudes we may find that in this openness we are lead into the same potential of Mary and Joseph, to carry and birth a living light into a world so desperate for it.

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Stay Woke
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

Stay Woke

When I see a billboard admonishing being woke, I also see a billboard praising and upholding an expression of Christianity that has been sustained under the sins of white supremacy, and the doctrine of discovery. I see a form of Christianity that has been intentionally lulled to sleep by those in power. What would happen if American Christians were awakened from this sleep, and actually started organizing, dreaming, and creating the alternative reality of compassionate love and care for our neighbors, as modeled by Jesus Christ himself?

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The Allure of the Crowd: How Group Identity Creates Belonging…
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

The Allure of the Crowd: How Group Identity Creates Belonging…

Sometimes we think that changing someones mind on something is as easy as giving them the facts. I think we all know that is hardly enough. But why? In this message Mark Pratt-Russum explores the power of group identity in creating belonging, and how we need to be aware of this power when in engaging with folks with whom we disagree.

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My love letter to fellow mystics
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

My love letter to fellow mystics

Experimental knowing is scary knowing for folks who find comfort in the institutional and intellectual elements of a faith tradition. Experimentation is unpredictable and risky. Experimenters usually don’t dress the same as others do. They sometimes hang out in the desert, they grow their hair long, and eat locusts and wild honey.

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“God’s not dead. He’s bread”
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

“God’s not dead. He’s bread”

We don’t need to work so hard, to study theology for years, to close our eyes and focus really, really hard to hear God’s voice. It is here, visible with our two eyes. We taste it on our lips. We sip it up with a spoon. We water it with a hose in the morning, we dip our feet into it.  

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Desire Reorientation
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

Desire Reorientation

Desire reorientation, or resetting often opens us up to new territory. We find ourselves in space where we know the happiness and purpose that comes from being compassionate to ourselves and our neighbors. We see the power in liberation from oppression, both for ourselves, and especially our neighbors who have lived and still live with those chains.

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The Usefulness of Uselessness
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

The Usefulness of Uselessness

What if we made our money, time, attention, and energy useless to those who use it to isolate us, destroy our planet, and keep us dependent on them for our happiness and well-being? How might we be intentionally too weird or too difficult to proceed easily toward the sawmill? 

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"Surrender, Being Held, Letting Go"
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

"Surrender, Being Held, Letting Go"

Imagine with me the loosening of those tightened bands of muscle in our jaws and shoulders, imagine with me the soft fingers moving through your hair and the warmth of your head in the lap of who holds you as their beloved.

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You Are Worthy of Love
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

You Are Worthy of Love

I think we all know the feeling of questioning our belonging, and constantly working to prove our worthiness and our place. To the people in this space who have heard directly from so-called preachers of the gospel that you are unworthy of God’s love, I want to say that I am so, so, so sorry and that they were wrong.

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“Million Dollar Church Bells & Trader Joe’s Dumpsters”
Mark Pratt-Russum Mark Pratt-Russum

“Million Dollar Church Bells & Trader Joe’s Dumpsters”

On Sunday morning, Mark worshipped in a cathedral with a million-dollar bell tower, and on Sunday evenings he pulled food out of a trader joe's dumpster to eat. The paradox of the Christian church in America is that it exists alongside Empire mentality. What does it mean for Jesus followers to bring about the Kin-dom of God in the midst of Empire?

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